I Live in Northern Wisconsin six mile from Lake Superior with My Dad,Mom, Sister and about fifty laying hens,three dogs and two cats.
I am involved in street preaching in Duluth Minnesota where we go out to various locations and hold signs that say: "Stop Sinning" "Believe and obey Jesus" "God is angry with the wicked every day" etc.
For more info:
We are also involved in Pro-Life ministry where we go to the local abortion clinic and plead for innocent babies condemned to die, for more info: www.sarahsprolife.com/blog and www.prolife4duluth.com
I was saved By God last year September 30th 2008, I was born in Chicago IL moved to Morrison IL. when I was two or three years old, then up to Northern Wisconsin when I was eleven or twelve years old. I was raised by Godly Christian Parents who love the Lord and taught me his ways. When I was little I had a great fear of hell and would cry and tell my Mom that "I didn't want to go there" at seven years of age I prayed with my mom for salvation but there was no change in my life the evidence of being God's child was not there. I had allot of bitterness and hatred toward my Dad and also had secret sins that I engaged in. I fooled a whole lot of people into thinking I was saved because I put on a good exterior, but inwardly I was full of "Ravening and wickedness" (Luke 11:39) On the day that I was saved my Sister Leah had put on a sermon by Paul Washer entitled "Examine Yourself" At the end of the sermon I started feeling VERY convicted of my sin and followed my Mom out to the Garage (She was putting something in the freezer) I told her, "I don't think I'm saved" and began to cry, then got down on my knees with her and cried out to God for mercy. when I got up I said, "I'm Saved!!" The peace of God filled my soul and His abundant joy! Oh the rejoicing I felt was incredible! I knew that all my sins had been forgiven and I felt so clean inside! I got on the phone right away and began calling friends and family to share the news. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever! I Know now that I will see him face to face and what joy that will be! Dear friend, are you saved? Many profess to "Know" Jesus but Jesus said: "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.' (Matthew 7:21-23) Examine yourself! See if you are in the Faith. (2 Corinthians 13:5) Oh today if you realize that you are lost and heading for hell. Cry out to Jesus Christ for mercy! Repent and put your Faith and trust in Jesus. He will save you!
Don't Bother Me.
Don't bother me
With souls to save.
I have my own agenda.
There's school to do,
Sports to play,
Important stuff to attend to.
Don't bother me
With my friend at work.
He's got his own religion.
I don't have time
to change his mind.
He'll make his own decision.
Don't bother me
With that little girl,
That girl playing in the street.
She's much too young
To understand
The Savior she could meet.
Don't bother me
With sounds I hear.
The sounds of people shrieking.
Although I wonder who they are,
Who are these people screaming?
Don't bother me
With who they are
I really don't want the blame.
Cause it's my friend
And the little girl
Who, from hell,
scream out my name.
Sadly this is theattitude of the "Church" today.
Quote of the month (April)
The hottest fires in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis --- Edmund Burke
Baby Shower Invitations Wording
Child Shower Invitations, Compile the females for giggles and also computer
games utilizing our fashionable baby shower invitations! With names like
Instant Obedience!
Dearest Mothers and Daughters,
I will post section #2 on "Mother" next time, but I had to share this with
you today as I was inspired by a pic...
The Lord has been doing some major changes in our lives, teaching us some
deep lessons that I would like to share. Up until June the Lord had been
New YouTube Vidoes
Several new YouTube videos have been posted on our YouTube Channel:
http://www.youtube.com/user/TheWay1711Lots of good conversations! Praise
the Lord!
nice pic about your upcoming missions trip to vegas!
Thanks Wayne!
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